Student Services:

  • Accreditation/Recognition of Student Organization
  • Processing and Issuance of Identification Card
  • Application and Issuance of Certification of Moral Character, etc.
  • Signing of Clearance
  • Student Grievance Mechanism

The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) is responsible on student organizations, fraternities, cultural groups and other related affairs or concerns of students. But on this quarter, it is the responsibility of the OSA to conduct a virtual transaction since faculty, staff and students can’t make a face-to-face operation.

It has been acknowledged last April of 2020 up until this quarter that the College had been so compliant with mandate of the Republic of the Philippines vis-à-vis the various safety procedures and protocols to fight pandemic brought about by Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Classes were postponed and students were even advised to go back to their respective places.

By this quarter, the office still produced and released certifications of Good Moral Character, signed Exit Clearance and other documents that were needed to be signed.

From the month of January to March, there were 205 certifications of good moral character released and issued for those clients who would: transfer to other school; apply for PNP; apply for PRC; use for enrolment/uniting; and use for employment. Some of them also sought for the authentication of their certificates and there were 194 exit clearances that were signed.

For the identification cards (IDs), the office initiates to make an electronic ID Application where students can submit their application thru the link posted on Facebook by the OSA Page. There were 566 cards submitted to the ITSU for this quarter. The list of done IDs was handed over to the Security Guards of 3rd gate since students cannot come over physically to the office due to the increase of COVID cases, the administrative of DOSCST made sure to protect the health of each stakeholder.

Moreover, the Office of Student Affairs conducted a meeting with SSG Officers and advisers for the Online SSG Election 2021 and COMSELEC members’ selection. The Office always reached out the SSG Officers of 2020 to prepare the SSG PPMP of Main Campus and Extension Campuses. The office already submitted the list of new enrolees for the 2nd semester to the Accounting Section to pay the Student Insurance. The office also turned over all the students’ school supplies that were collected through students’ penalties to the Office of the Student Volunteerism and Community Engagement.

The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) is responsible on student organizations, fraternities, cultural groups and other related affairs or concerns of students. But on this quarter, it is the responsibility of the OSA to conduct a virtual transaction since faculty, staff and students can’t make a face-to-face operation.

It has been acknowledged last April of 2020 up until this quarter that the College had been so compliant with mandate of the Republic of the Philippines vis-à-vis the various safety procedures and protocols to fight pandemic brought about by Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Classes were postponed and students were even advised to go back to their respective places.

By this quarter, the office still produced and released certifications of Good Moral Character, signed Exit Clearance and other documents that were needed to be signed.

From the month of April to June, there were 122 certifications of good moral character released and issued for those clients who would: transfer to other school; apply for PNP; apply for PRC; use for enrolment/uniting; and use for employment. Some of them also sought for the authentication of their certificates and there were 211 exit clearances that were signed.

For the identification cards (IDs), the office initiates to make an electronic ID Application where students can submit their application thru the link posted on Facebook by the OSA Page. There were 566 cards submitted to the ITSU for this quarter. The list of 366 done IDs from the 1st quarter application were handed over to the Security Guards of 3rd gate since students cannot come over physically to the office due to the increase of COVID cases, the administrative of DOSCST made sure to protect the health of each stakeholder.

Moreover, the Office of Student Affairs together with the Office of President collaborated with SMART for Student TNT SAYA ambassadors coming from the College. The Office also assisted the COMSELEC for the Online Election 2021 as well as the Holy Mass Committee for the Declaration of Davao Oriental State University last May 28, 2021.

With these accomplishments of the office, updates and answering queries from the Facebook page and Gmail is one of the priorities of OSA. Hence, the office is doing its best to maintain and give enough service to the public either online or window transactions.

The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) is responsible on student organizations, fraternities, cultural groups and other related affairs or concerns of students. But on this quarter again, it is still the responsibility of the OSA to conduct a virtual transaction and somehow window transaction for the urgent matter, since faculty, staff and students can’t make a face-to-face operation.

It has been acknowledged last April of 2020 up until this quarter that the College had been so compliant with mandate of the Republic of the Philippines vis-à-vis the various safety procedures and protocols to fight pandemic brought about by Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Classes were postponed and students were even advised to go back to their respective places.

Up until this quarter, the office still produced and released certifications of Good Moral Character via online appointment, signed Exit Clearance and other documents that were needed to be signed.
From the month of July to September, there were 208 certifications of good moral character released and issued for those clients who would: transfer to other school; apply for PNP; apply for PRC; use for enrolment/uniting; and use for employment. Some of them also sought for the authentication of their certificates and there were 211 exit clearances that were signed.

For the identification cards (IDs), the office initiates to make an electronic ID Application where students can submit their application thru the link posted on Facebook by the OSA Page. By these past few months, releasing of Ids was freeze due to the lack of staff/ID Maker but by the initiative of our OSA head, the office requested an ID Maker that would be based in the office instead of giving the data to the ITSU. No IDs were printed yet by this quarter but the office initiates to release a Certification first that certified that the students submitted their online application. There were 10 Online ID Application Certificates that were released by this quarter. However, even if IDs were not printed yet, there were 410 ID Applications received and organized through excel by the staff of OSA.
Moreover, the Office of Student Affairs together with the Directorate of Student Services collaborated for the 1st Virtual PARANGAL 2021. The said event was conducted last August 20, 2021 and was successfully done by all of the Student Awards and Parangal Working committee.

With these accomplishments of the office, updates and answering queries from the Facebook page and Gmail is one of the priorities of OSA. Hence, the office is doing its best to maintain and give enough service to the public either online or window transactions.

For more info, kindly visit us @DOrSU-OSA