Services Offered:

  • Consultation / Treatment
  • Pre-natal
  • Wound Dressing
  • Minor Surgery
  • Referrals
  • Consultation / Dental Record
  • Tooth Extraction
  • Oral Scaling

The Health Services Unit caters the health needs of the DOSCST constituents within the framework of the clinic-out-patient setting and referral system. This involves consultation, treatment of health-related problems and referrals.

The table below shows the services rendered/availed by faculty, staff and students for the 1st quarter of 2021. Consultation is still the most availed services 909 times availed, followed by Issuance of Medical Certificates 128, 57 Pressure taking, 43 times availed Random Blood Sugar taking and 13 availed Wound Dressing.

The Health Services Unit caters the health needs of the DOSCST constituents within the framework of the clinic-out-patient setting and referral system. This involves consultation, treatment of health-related problems and referrals.

This quarter the services offered includes consultation either walk in or via online, Blood pressure taking, wound dressing, Random Blood Sugar taking and Issuance of Medical Certificates. 
The table below shows the services rendered/availed by faculty, staff and students for the 2ND quarter of 2021. Consultation via walk-in and through facebook messenger, referral is done via facebook messenger as well. Other services availed includes Blood Pressure and Random Blood Sugar taking, wound dressing, Medical Certificate issuance. And monitoring of employees who were home quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure.
The Health Services Unit caters the health needs of the DOSCST constituents within the framework of the clinic-out-patient setting and referral system. This involves consultation, treatment of health-related problems and referrals.

This quarter the services offered includes consultation either walk in or via online consultation, Blood pressure taking, wound dressing, Random Blood Sugar taking and Issuance of Medical Certificates. 
The table below shows the services rendered/availed by faculty, staff and students for the 3RD quarter of 2021. Consultation is still the most availed services 921 times availed, followed by Blood Pressure taking, 67 times availed, Random Blood Sugar taking 14 times availed and 47 came to avail for Medical Certificate Issuance.  And a total of 118 were monitored while they were home quarantined.

For more info, kindly visit us @DOrSU-Health Services Unit