Student Services:
- Career and group guidance, orientation, information, follow-up, and peer facilitation
- Group and individual counseling, inventory, prevention and wellness
- Admission and psychological tests
- Research and Evaluation
Transitioning GCTC’s services from face to face to virtual or remote way is very important in this time of pandemic. Information service became one of our priorities in getting attention and responding to the needs of our clientele. It promotes valuable information that inspires and motivates students for academic success.
Inquiries of students on our services via GCTC Official Facebook Messenger reached 74 while 7 at our GCTC Official Gmail Account. Announcements via GCTC Official Facebook page were also reached by 2, 736 individuals.
News for Mental hygiene advocacies on ways to support mental health reached 800 people, while News for Mental Hygiene on Cyberbullying reached 1,054 individuals.
The Advocacy on Mental Health Priority also reached 400 individuals through our official Facebook Page.
In line with the Month of Love, February, the GCTC commenced an online activity called Gugma Serye. This activity aimed to let everyone realize the importance and essence of love in life, even in Pandemic. This activity was participated in and reached by 3,050 individuals. Some gladly participate in the “Gugma Serye Q & A” like How will you describe your feelings on a song title? How do I say I Love You without saying these words? And many more.
In the conduct of the telecounseling session, only 1 student acquired and was successfully served via Google Meet.
To facilitate graduating students’ preparedness for success in identifying, securing and keeping work that is related to their long-term career goals, the Pre-employment Webinar 2021 was conducted in Three (3) batches from April 26-27, 2021, for the first batch which participated by 95 students, May 4-6, 2021 for the second batch which participated by 123 students and from May 10-12, 2021 for the third batch which participated by 131 students. All batches were composed of graduating students from different institutes such as Institute of Education and Teacher Training (IETT), Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences (IALS), Institute of Computing and Engineering (ICE), and Institute of Business and Public Affairs (IBPA). A total of 349 graduating students participated in the webinar via Google Meet.
A Virtual Exit Interview is a service conducted for the graduating students. This is to guide them with their career plan and to help them process academic and personal issues. An exit interview form via google form was provided for the students to answer prior to the interview. The activity was scheduled from April to June 2021 with the total of 426 graduating students availing the services.
In the conduct of the telecounseling session, a total of three (3) clients were served through walk-in, 2 are coming from IALS with 1 follow-up session and 1 from ICE with Academic-Related concerns.
A Virtual Career Guidance & University Fair is a service conducted for the incoming first year students. This is intended to guide them with their career plans and to help them process academic and personal issues via zoom platform. The activity was implemented on July 12, 2021 with a total of 10, 193 student’s views on FB and Google form as well.
In the celebration of Suicide Prevention Awareness month and the 121st Philippine Civil Service Anniversary the Davao Oriental State University through its Guidance Counseling and Testing Center (GCTC)with its co-implementor the Human Resource Management Office a Webinar Series conducted on Mental Health entitled “Its okay not to be okay” for the university employees and students Via Zoom Platform. The Webinar Series 2021 was conducted in two (2) batches from September 28, 2021, for the first batch which participated by 53 employees, September 30, 2021 for the second batch which participated by 598 students. The seminar series will continue next month with two episodes left. All batches were composed of employees and students from different offices and Institutes such as Institute of Education and Teacher of Training (IETT), Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences (IALS), Institute of Computing Engineering (ICE), Institute of Business and Public Affairs (IBPA), Instructors and Administrative staffs /JOs/Cos.
In extending the office’s counseling program, the ongoing telecounseling recorded a total of three (3) clients. All sessions were conducted through Google Meet platform, 2 clients were coming from IALS and 1 from IETT.
For more info, kindly visit us @DOrSU-GCTC